Woodpecker handpiece scaler

Are you thinking about buying or have you already tried a Woodpecker or DTE scaler?

Before you do here’s a few things to consider, and if you have tried them and now looking to go back to an original high quality piezo type ultrasonic scaler here’s why.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Are Woodpeckers/DTEs/Skysea the same as EMS,  Satelec or Various scalers?
A. No. They are less powerful and inferior quality.

  1. The steel shaft is much lower grade steel and they wear away much quicker.
  2. The plastic case/sheath is a much lower plastic grade than what EMS,  Satelec and Various use and tend to crack during the Autoclave sterilization process.
    (NB. the best quality casing is the original EMS EN041 model).

Q. Can Woodpecker tips be used on EMS?
A. In theory YES Woodpecker tips can used on EMS but they are not the same quality. The steel grade is much less and the thread is not the same standard. If you choose to use Woodpecker tips on an EMS you will wear away the thread much quicker than using a genuine EMS or NSK quality tip and in the long run this will cost you more money.

We highly recommend you try our completely rebuilt EMS scalers

  • you’ll have a genuine quality scaler cutting down scaling and cleaning time
  • help save the environment by reducing waste
  • save yourself hundreds on EMS rebuilds instead of purchasing new EMS scalers

Find out more here…


If you would like some further advice please don’t hesitate to contact us because we’re here to help 1300 101 404.